Talent Search and Recruitment

Our platform has a large database of African professionals who are capable of joining your team physically or working remote to generate value to your business.


Unlike most entry-level talents that do not have prior experience, our criteria for entry level requires a minimum level of internship experience , transferable skills and most importantly must have passed our Structured Behavioural Interviewing ( SBI ) test. After orientation our entry level talent are guaranteed to hit the ground running to deliver exceptional value for your business.


With a little more on-the-job experience than an entry-level, our Intermediate talent are thoroughly selected based on their ability to easily step into the shoes of a manager. They have skill sets that enable them to train junior employees, supervise interns, or take on more complicated tasks that managers might assign them. Perfect for business continuity.


These make up a majority of our talent pool. Our Mid-level talent are the engines of your business growth as they have a combination of skill and experience to lead small teams to success. With experience ranging between 5 to 10 years of professional experience, our mid-level talents have proven to be anchors for many of our client’s businesses.

Senior or executive-level

Senior or Executive talent is critical to business, that’s why for these roles, we have a combination of candidates that we have head-hunted or gained through referrals. Our senior level talents have helped define the strategy and direction for most multinational businesses in Africa. Through an initial interview, we ensure they match your business’s corporate culture before placement

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